Wednesday, October 22, 2008


PMS really sucks, but somehow, being aware of the fact that you are experiencing PMS sucks more.

On the bright side, my Colbert Report Christmas Special (The Greatest Gift of All) has been pre-ordered and should be home in time for the holidays. Now if only I could wait that long...

And on that note, I'd like to second Jon Stewart's closing remarks on the Oct. 20 edition of the Daily Show: "Fuck all y'all."

Because even as a Canadian, I cannot stand anyone deliberatly dividing a country for their own gain. Especially when I have PMS.

Maybe that's why I can't stare at American politicas for too long... gah.

Gay Nader Fans For Peace,

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Monday, September 29, 2008

We're all going to die!!!!! (financially speaking, I mean)

The TSX (Canada's equivalent of Wall Street) has fallen about 500 points ( I'm know every thing to do with the US Congress takes some time-you need to reach an agreement, put it to a vote; to do otherwise is not democracy. We all know it's how we ensure right and wrong.

Buuuut I'm still gonna say what the rest of the world is thinking: HURRY THE F#&K UP!!!

PS Freeze Tuition Fees!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I know it came out like two years ago, but...

I'm reading Anderson Cooper's book, Dispatches from the Edge. To be specific, I've been reading it for two weeks now... on purpose.

It's the state of reading something you connect to- you don't want it to end. I've been reading a few pages here, I've taken it with me everywhere. It looks like I've had it for a few years when really I bought it new at the Chapters on Rideau like twelve days ago. I love how I feel as I read it, I connect with it- and that hasn't happened in a long time. In fact, I'm so engrossed by it that it's hard to believe it's not all fiction.

Anderson's writing is bare and honest. I feel like a voyeur, delving so greedily into his soul like this, but he's opened up. I feel like if I'd done what he has, I would write the exact same thing, and that's the connection that has kept me so loyal. I want to do what he has- want to go to New Orleans and Niger, and Sarajevo. I want to see these things too, because they matter...

There are a few lines that made my heart stop, but one in particular, a quote from a New Orleans cop who wished to stay anon: essentially that "there was no plan. People in old age homes were left to die."

I used to work in a nursing home, and I can see why- it's hard to move some people. Some can't be moved, some are in palative...

But I can't fucking imagine. The love I feel for those people...
Just the thought of leaving them is absolutely horrific, even if only a shred of what was written is true, even if only a single person was left there- my heart really felt like it had stopped beating when I read that. I had to put the book down. Put a hand to my chest. Make sense of something that didn't make enough sense..

Now I know you didn't say it, and I know you couldn't do anything to help it, but I will say this, Mr. Cooper: thank you for printing it. Things like that need to be on record somewhere, lest we forget. I'm keeping your book with me, as I grow, as I get through school, and find that we can stop the horrors you've brought to light...

Fuck the haters, the critics, the naysayers and the liars; I say thank you, thank you for doing what you're doing, Mr. Cooper. Thank you so much.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Real Life Writes Real Bad...

I think it's safe to say we can discount everything I wrote before this point because it was random, sparse, and kiiiind of selfish... Low self-esteem girls want attention, want comments, write with the world in mind, only include the intersting emotions on their blogs. Low self-esteem women (because somehow I'm an adult now) don't know what they want, don't expect comments, write from some place so internal that they consider revisions to make it sound less human, and include every emotion because they need to see it and have it validated.

Hello. I'm Erin, reinvented... again. (DANCE PARTY OF ONE)

And um... CU is awesome!


Monday, June 25, 2007


I suck at posting. Actually, it was more because the cookie settings on my laptop went to crap and I couldn't, so I gave up. I have to say, I'm not a fan of having a blog where you can't reply to your friends comments like on livejournal... but meh... I'm just rambling. I'll fill in the gaps proper a little later, mmk?

Oh yeah, and this is what I look like now,(sort of a boring picture...) and yeah, I'm wearing the same shirt as I think the last picture of me, because it's the best shirt in the whole world.
Keep fighting the good fight


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Can You Find the French Word in This Entry?

If my Indian grandparents (biological) ever heard Incorporeal, I think they'd try to arrange a marriage avec Nick 13.


P.S. I'm allowed to poke fun, silly! I have his nose after all. Dude! I found out yesterday my middle name isn't "Trisha". It's "Trishna". Sweeeeetness.
I'll Be Okay!

I don't know what it is about Death By Stereo, but their songs will NOT download. GRR. I want to see if they live up to all that sweet hype.

We went to the grandparent's cottage today. I think I grew up the second I heard my cute, polite British nan sudden spew about how much she wanted Johnny Depp. And then my Gramps looked up from over his paper and said in his proffesional Cheltenham accent, "Yes, I think he was rather good in Finding Neverland." Ach.
If that wasn't weird enough, she made us pizza for lunch and chocolate ice cream for dessert- PIZZA! No crumpets? No lovely gormet chili and beef stew? No fricken custard and toffee truffles? NANNY? Are the hic-ishly bad and lazy habits of your daughters family getting to you? If I see you scratching your bottom or cursing anything other than "bloody", I'm taking away your Avon.

In other news, never let me forget to take my pills EVER again. I went through withdrawl today. Here are some of the symptoms:

-anorexia (severe loss of appetite of weight) (not totally complaining there)
-hypomania (rapid moodswings)
-parethesia (sensation of burning, tingling or crawling of the skin) (this would make a sweet song title)
-electric shock sensations (EEE! Make them stop!)
-ringing in the ears
-vertigo (sensation that the world is spinning)
-AND vomitting

Yet somehow, I LOVE beign sick. What's that called? Hypochondria or something? Masochism? Love of ilness, love of pain, love of helplessness and having control ripped from your hands. Yeah, that's what I thought.



Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oh He's Not Dead Yet- He Hasn't Got His Eyepatch *Loves BJ*

These are the new colours of my room. They are calm. They represent me (and yes, that's my black cat, lovely kitty Salem-whom I named at age 8, stfu). What colours did my kid-sister, Laura choose for her room? One half neon pink and one half neon purple. Maybe I'll post a picture later, but right now I'd like to focus on NOT blinding the few innocent Internet surfers who stumble here- and Megan. Heh.
I'm going through a slightly rough patch right now, what with three close friends on the suicide ideals. Slashing, shooting and cutthroating. I won't say who, but I will say it hurts me. Maybe it's a selfish thing to proclaim, but when the people you depend on - all of them - depend on you, it's sort of like a slap in the face laced with guilt. "I should've paid more attention", "I shouldn't have said that"; it all crashes down on you and adds to the weight you carry trying to keeep them happy. Yet at the end of the day, the fact that they chose to stay in our world, to stick around with me outweighs the pain they cause when they tell me what they've done to themselves. You're all alive. That keeps me alive. Don't die without me, loves. All that's been proven is that life is all we really have. Mine is meaningless without yours.
In other news, I need to see LF!DF! nowplease. I lost my Art Of Drowning CD and that makes me sad. Dial-up continues to let me down, BUT somebody I don't know comment on my second entry, down there. It's lovely. Aussie MOIST shampoo smells like the inside of a pumpkin. It's kinda nice actually.
Cultures I've been mistaken for last month: Pakistani, Lebanese, Greek (that's new), Egyptian, Italian, and Turkish. If you ever have the pleasure of someone thinking you are from their country, you'll learn it's a wonderfully deep compliment you find yourself reluctant to correct.
Common ground makes the world go round,