Monday, September 29, 2008

We're all going to die!!!!! (financially speaking, I mean)

The TSX (Canada's equivalent of Wall Street) has fallen about 500 points ( I'm know every thing to do with the US Congress takes some time-you need to reach an agreement, put it to a vote; to do otherwise is not democracy. We all know it's how we ensure right and wrong.

Buuuut I'm still gonna say what the rest of the world is thinking: HURRY THE F#&K UP!!!

PS Freeze Tuition Fees!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I know it came out like two years ago, but...

I'm reading Anderson Cooper's book, Dispatches from the Edge. To be specific, I've been reading it for two weeks now... on purpose.

It's the state of reading something you connect to- you don't want it to end. I've been reading a few pages here, I've taken it with me everywhere. It looks like I've had it for a few years when really I bought it new at the Chapters on Rideau like twelve days ago. I love how I feel as I read it, I connect with it- and that hasn't happened in a long time. In fact, I'm so engrossed by it that it's hard to believe it's not all fiction.

Anderson's writing is bare and honest. I feel like a voyeur, delving so greedily into his soul like this, but he's opened up. I feel like if I'd done what he has, I would write the exact same thing, and that's the connection that has kept me so loyal. I want to do what he has- want to go to New Orleans and Niger, and Sarajevo. I want to see these things too, because they matter...

There are a few lines that made my heart stop, but one in particular, a quote from a New Orleans cop who wished to stay anon: essentially that "there was no plan. People in old age homes were left to die."

I used to work in a nursing home, and I can see why- it's hard to move some people. Some can't be moved, some are in palative...

But I can't fucking imagine. The love I feel for those people...
Just the thought of leaving them is absolutely horrific, even if only a shred of what was written is true, even if only a single person was left there- my heart really felt like it had stopped beating when I read that. I had to put the book down. Put a hand to my chest. Make sense of something that didn't make enough sense..

Now I know you didn't say it, and I know you couldn't do anything to help it, but I will say this, Mr. Cooper: thank you for printing it. Things like that need to be on record somewhere, lest we forget. I'm keeping your book with me, as I grow, as I get through school, and find that we can stop the horrors you've brought to light...

Fuck the haters, the critics, the naysayers and the liars; I say thank you, thank you for doing what you're doing, Mr. Cooper. Thank you so much.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Real Life Writes Real Bad...

I think it's safe to say we can discount everything I wrote before this point because it was random, sparse, and kiiiind of selfish... Low self-esteem girls want attention, want comments, write with the world in mind, only include the intersting emotions on their blogs. Low self-esteem women (because somehow I'm an adult now) don't know what they want, don't expect comments, write from some place so internal that they consider revisions to make it sound less human, and include every emotion because they need to see it and have it validated.

Hello. I'm Erin, reinvented... again. (DANCE PARTY OF ONE)

And um... CU is awesome!
