Saturday, July 29, 2006


Do you remember the times when the times were like death?

Sink to this scrape on my arm maybe it will take us there

Of souls that flowed like wedding gowns and symphonies in red

The dream of light where no one trod, before our smiles turned to lead

*I’ll bring you back my love, we’ll twirl on the ballroom floor

Our shoes’ll tap among the leaves that fall with the only melody we know

Twinkle-dark eyes dared to look to the skies and sang hope before they were burdened with life.

I go there in dreams; it’s as we left it; it’s the same

My eyes still sparkle, sometimes I hear the sunlight call my name

As it hits the floor, like drowning ore among the leaves that don’t decay

And every time I die a little I close my eyes and see those days.

The dream of light where no one trod, before our smiles turned to grey.

*I’ll bring you back my love, we’ll twirl on the ballroom floor

Our shoes’ll tap among the leaves that fall with the only melody we know

Twinkle-dark eyes dared to look to the skies and sang hope before they were burdened with life.

By Moi


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